Managing Remote Teams INCLUSIVELY 24: Managing YOUR time and stress when remote working

Managing Remote Teams INCLUSIVELY 24: Managing YOUR time and stress when remote working

Learn how to make your team feel included and how to manage remote teams.

Maureen Frank
Updated Jul 01, 2020

Managing remote teams inclusively is HARD. Creating a sense of BELONGING when the team is remote is different and URGENT right now!

As global experts in diversity and inclusion, we are obsessed at Emberin with getting you a real result. We have worked with over 10,000 leaders on the HOW of inclusion for the last 15 years.

Scenario summary:

Tanya and the rest of the team have been working night andday – there is not a lot of fuel left in their tanks. Tom, their leader, is stressed and feeling out of control and the impact on the team is that he is micromanaging and throwing new projects at them. Tanya decides that she has had enough of being on video calls all day and not getting the things which are important to her done – she decides to tackle her meeting overload and also Tom!