Managing Remote Teams INCLUSIVELY 21: Ingroups sometimes miss the mark!

Managing Remote Teams INCLUSIVELY 21: Ingroups sometimes miss the mark!

Learn how to make your team feel included and how to manage remote teams.

Maureen Frank
Updated Jul 01, 2020

Managing remote teams inclusively is HARD. Creating a sense of BELONGING when the team is remote is different and URGENT right now!

As global experts in diversity and inclusion, we are obsessed at Emberin with getting you a real result. We have worked with over 10,000 leaders on the HOW of inclusion for the last 15 years.

Scenario summary:

Let’s face it, all organisations have ‘ingroups’. In this example a group of young lads who have lots in common feel like thy can go it alone in a collaboration because they can’t relate to the other members of the team. As a result – it impacts the conclusions of both groups.