Receptionist Interviews - Job Interview Success Series

Receptionist Interviews - Job Interview Success Series

Seven Dimensions
Updated Mar 08, 2019

Kirra, Rochelle and Charlotte lack experience, but try for the job of a receptionist. They get experience in job interviews but none are successful. The employer provides valuable advice on what was missing and how to improve.

Key Learning Points


  • Don’t be late
  • Don’t forget resume
  • Don’t present negatives
  • Don’t give money as the reason
  • Don’t say stupid things
  • Don’t be flat and tired


  • Thank interviewer for opportunity
  • Well-presented resume
  • Promote strengths often
  • Smile and be positive
  • Detail roles and duties
  • Elaborate on strengths
  • Be clear
  • Highlight your skills
  • Show confidence
  • Prepare good reasons
  • Questions show interest
  • Research the business and job role

This video is part of the Job Interview Success Series. A dynamic series uses a variety of case studies and examples, with excellent advice and practical information to help ensure success at a wide range of interviews. A must for everyone wanting to succeed at job interviews, especially young people and those who lack confidence.

Target Audience

Community, Youth, All staff