Café Interviews - Mistakes & Success - Job Interview Success Series

Café Interviews - Mistakes & Success - Job Interview Success Series

Seven Dimensions
Updated Mar 08, 2019

Young job seekers will smile at the 12 classic mistakes made by Tasha, Kirra and Charlotte. See how they overcome their lack of experience and turn their interview performances into success by showing enthusiasm and initiative.

Key Learning points


  • Don't dress inappropriately
  • Don't ask for a coffee
  • Don't look disinterested
  • Don't swear
  • Don't say someone made you apply
  • Don't start by asking about the pay
  • Don't sound vague and lazy
  • Don't ever forget your resume
  • Don't say money is the main reason
  • Don't be inflexible and unmotivated
  • Don't focus on what you can't do
  • Don't talk negatively about a past employer


  • Be on time
  • Dress appropriately, neat and tidy
  • Bring up-to-date resume
  • Be familiar with the job/role
  • Be confident
  • Be flexible
  • Show interest and enthusiasm
  • Show initiative

This video is part of the Job Interview Success Series. A dynamic series uses a variety of case studies and examples, with excellent advice and practical information to help ensure success at a wide range of interviews. A must for everyone wanting to succeed at job interviews, especially young people and those who lack confidence.

Target Audience

Community, Youth, All staff