Success at Every Level - Job Interview Success Series

Success at Every Level - Job Interview Success Series

Seven Dimensions
Updated Mar 08, 2019

Three experienced applicants apply for different jobs in the same company - all being interviewed by one HR manager, and all doing very well. Erin goes for a reception job, Sofia is interviewed for a Property Manager's job and Simon wants the job of Senior Sales Agent.

Key Learning Points

  • Know why you want to work for a particular business
  • Have good reasons for wanting to leave your current job
  • Thank the interviewer and reiterate your enthusiasm and suitability for the job
  • Show confidence
  • Demonstrate your knowledge of the business and/or industry
    •  Employer’s expectations  
    •  Key Performance Indicators  
    •  Training provided  
    • Support in the role
  • Draw upon your own personal experience and use scenarios to reinforce your answers
  • Be able to explain challenges in previous roles and how you overcame them
  • Be prepared to prove any claims you make
  • Always acknowledge a customer or client when they walk in the door

This video is part of the Job Interview Success Series. A dynamic series uses a variety of case studies and examples, with excellent advice and practical information to help ensure success at a wide range of interviews. A must for everyone wanting to succeed at job interviews, especially young people and those who lack confidence.

Target Audience
Community, Youth, All staff