In this video, Colin McLaren, former homicide task force leader, discusses with Eve Ash the vital steps for gathering evidence in a workplace accident or crime.
Course Overview
Workplace crime and accident investigations must be taken very seriously. In this video, Colin McLaren, former homicide task force leader, itemizes all the necessary steps for conducting an investigation, including scrupulous note-taking and diagrams, photos, witness statements, and recording conversations. He counsels the importance of being fair, calm, unbiased, frank and in control. Above all, an investigator must be diligent, open-minded and questioning in pursuit of the truth. The objective is to get admissions – in writing.
Key Learning Points
When workplace crimes occur:
Document everything in a notebook
Add diagrams and sketches
Use a camera
Note what people (witnesses) saw
Never start with a theory
Ask questions to get facts
Be fair, frank and take control
Failure to search is failure to find!
Build rapport
Get admissions in writing
Consider video or voice recording
Note, time and date of any refusals
Interviewer: Eve Ash
Interviewee: Colin McLaren