Office 2010 - Word Beginners - Moving and Copying Text

Office 2010 - Word Beginners - Moving and Copying Text

Jenison ELearning
Updated Nov 07, 2018

Learning Objectives

  • Use Cut and Copy
  • Move Text with Toolbar
  • Copy with Shortcut Menu
  • Use Paste Special 
  • Paste Multiple Items
  • View multiple documents 
  • Drag and Drop Text

Course Overview

  • This course looks at ways to move and copy text including using Toolbars, Shortcut menu and Drag and Drop methods.
  • Cut, Copy and Paste can be found in the Home tab, as well as Shortcut menus and Shortcut keys can also be used.
  • When using the Cut or Copy commands, the data is put in a temporary storage area called the clipboard. Windows Clipboard is able to store a number of items so you can choose which to paste with the Pasting Multiple Items button using the Clipboard in the Home tab.
  • Right-clicking on an object to display its Shortcut menu is an alternative way of working in Word.
  • Paste Special can be selected by clicking the Paste button in the home tab and enables the original formatting to be retained.
  • You move data within a document or between documents by using the Drag and Drop method. To display more than one document select View Side by Side from the View tab.