Office 2010 - PowerPoint Intermediate - Working With Slide Shows

Office 2010 - PowerPoint Intermediate - Working With Slide Shows

Jenison ELearning
Updated Nov 07, 2018

Learning Objectives

  • Hide slides
  • Insert and use Hyperlinks
  • Use Pointer options
  • Use Ink annotations

Course Overview

  • Hide slides by choosing the Hide Slide option on the right-click Shortcut menu. Reveal them again by using the same command.
  • Add a Hyperlink via the Hyperlink button in the Links group on the Insert tab or use the Hyperlink option on the right-click Shortcut menu. Either of these methods will open the Insert Hyperlinks dialog box where you can also edit your Hyperlinks.
  • Pointer options are available from the right-click Shortcut menu; you can choose arrow, pen or highlighter, change the colour, use eraser functions and change the arrow.
  • Ink Annotations made on slides during a presentation may be kept and edited like any other object.