Essentials - Understanding Budgeting and Finance - Preparing Your Budget

Essentials - Understanding Budgeting and Finance - Preparing Your Budget

Jenison ELearning
Updated Nov 07, 2018

Course Content

  • Getting the Right Format
  • Doing the Groundwork
  • Getting the Numbers Right
  • Presenting Your Case
  • Handling Cuts
  • Including: Check my Understanding Tests and Full Course Test

Learning Objectives

Participants will acquire the knowledge and skills to:

  • Understand how departmental costs impact an organisation's master budget 
  • Work out monthly figures for each budget item 
  • Justify the budget to your boss 
  • Limit the impact of budget cuts on your plans 

Course Overview

Planning and submitting a budget for the first time can be a daunting task. Many of us approach our first budget with little or no formal training. It can be a nightmare! Effective budgeting is crucial to both you and your department. And because it's important, it's vital you budget properly. Too many managers make half-hearted attempts and then wonder why ACTUAL spend is nothing like expected. This course provides a structured approach for budgeting effectively, plus a range of practical tips.

Course Duration

120-240 minutes