Office 2010 - Outlook Intermediate - Contact Tools

Office 2010 - Outlook Intermediate - Contact Tools

Jenison ELearning
Updated Nov 07, 2018

Learning Objectives

  • Dial a Contact's Phone
  • Track Phone Call Duration 
  • Using Contact Information 
  • Use Business Cards 
  • Store Business Card Details

Course Overview

  • With a contact selected, you can dial their number by clicking on the More button from the Communicate group and then selecting Call. 
  • When the Call box opens you can change the contact or call the contact on an alternative number.
  • Track the duration of your call by clicking in the Create new Journal Entry when starting new call box.
  • Use the Open Contact button to open the complete Contact file.
  • Provided you are attached to a modem you can use the Start Call button to dial your contact. The End Call button is only available when your call is connected to allow you to disconnect.
  • Contact details may be sent as electronic business cards by right-click the record you wish to send and select As a Business Card from the Forward Contact menu. The business card will be sent in, and as, an attachment to an email.
  • If you receive a business card in an email you can open it by double clicking the attachment and using the Save