Office 2013 - Outlook Intermediate - Contact Tools

Office 2013 - Outlook Intermediate - Contact Tools

Jenison ELearning
Updated Nov 09, 2018

Learning Objectives

  • Dial a Contact's Phone
  • Track Phone Call Duration 
  • Using Contact Information 
  • Use Business Cards 
  • Store Business Card Details

Course Overview

With a contact selected, you can dial their number by clicking on the More button from the Communicate group and then selecting Call. 
When the Call box opens you can change the contact or call the contact on an alternative number.

Track the duration of your call by clicking in the Create new Journal Entry when starting new call box.
Use the Open Contact button to open the complete Contact file.

Provided you are attached to a modem you can use the Start Call button to dial your contact. The End Call button is only available when your call is connected to allow you to disconnect.

Contact details may be sent as electronic business cards by right-click the record you wish to send and select As a Business Card from the Forward Contact menu. The business card will be sent in, and as, an attachment to an email.
If you receive a business card in an email you can open it by double clicking the attachment and using the Save