Office 2013 - Outlook Beginners - Adding Contacts

Office 2013 - Outlook Beginners - Adding Contacts

Jenison ELearning
Updated Nov 09, 2018

Learning Objectives

1. Add a New Contact 
2. Enter Contact Details 
3. Use Full Name and Address
4. Change the File As Box
5. Work Hyperlinks
6. Use the Notes Box
7. Add Company Contacts 
8. View Annual Events

Course Overview

  • To add a contact you can either click on the New Contact button or hold down the Ctrl key and press the N key. A new untitled Contact form is opened and you can fill in the information.
  • Clicking the Full Name button in the Contact form opens the Check Full Name dialog box where you can check the name details have been correctly attributed. 
  • The File As box allows you to determine the sort order for this contact.
  • The Web page address box displays the address as a hypertext link.
  • The Notes box allows you to add notes and reminders about the contact.
  • The Details section of the Contact form contains more information including personal details about your contact.
  • The Birthday and Anniversary events entered in the Contacts list are displayed in the Calendar on the actual day of the annual event.