Benefits of Mindfulness at Work

Benefits of Mindfulness at Work

Seven Dimensions
Updated Apr 16, 2020

Kylie Bell talks about the effect of stress on our work practices with Eve Ash. The research shows that when people engage in mindful activities, they are more resilient, calmer and less inclined towards conflict. Daniel Goleman’s “Retrain your Stressed Out Brain” discusses the amygdala’s fight and flight response. After eight weeks practicing mindfulness, the amygdala is less reactive. The telomeres on our chromosomes lengthen, and we cease aging as rapidly. Aside from these physical benefits, organizations have found that practicing mindfulness causes productivity spikes in about 83% of workers. We need mindfulness at work, Kylie Bell says, because not only are we less stressed and less prone to conflict, we become more productive and effective.

This program is one of the Insights and Strategies Series, featuring psychologist Eve Ash interviewing a range of experts and business leaders who share their experiences and practical strategies for achieving best practice.

Click here to get the Transcript. 

Business Outcomes

This program is designed to help people manage stress and build resilience to cope better and remain calm when faced with overload, setbacks and challenges. A powerful and essential program for people working in today’s pressured environment.