Unconscious Bias in the Pipeline

Unconscious Bias in the Pipeline

Symmetra Learning
Updated Mar 20, 2019

About this course:

Unconscious bias affects all of us, and if we are not careful, it can prevent us from making objective strategic choices. Whilst these biases can affect all decisions, they are particularly significant when it comes to decisions about hiring, promotion and reward, where our unconscious associations around things like race, gender and even social class can influence us.

In this interactive, game-based course, we focus on how to identify and counteract unconscious bias in how you attract, grow and retain the diverse talent needed for you and your organisation to succeed in today’s rapidly changing marketplace.

Learning Topics:

  • The cycle of bias and its impact on talent
  • Biases that impact recruitment, promotion, reviews, work allocation, and mentoring
  • Techniques to counteract bias in these key situations


This course is suitable for managers or anyone involved in recruitment, promotion and other talent decisions.

We strongly recommend that "Unconscious Bias 101" be completed beforehand.

This course features:

  • A short 10-minute microlearning experience
  • Gamified interface to stimulate thinking, increase engagement and encourage completion
  • A discussion guide to help embed learning in your team
  • Dynamic interactions
  • Animated video
  • Benchmark data for people to compare their perspectives with others


10 Minutes