The Case for Flexibility

The Case for Flexibility

Symmetra Learning
Updated Mar 14, 2019

About this course:

Flexible working has become an integral feature of the modern workplace, and an important attractor for top talent. As more people start working or wanting to work flexibly, it’s crucial that we understand WHY flexibility is leading to higher engagement, better performance and improved business outcomes. And if you want to make flexibility succeed in your team, you also need to tackle some of the myths that surround it.

In this interactive, game-basec course, you will learn about flexibility and  how to apply it as a strategy for improving individual and team performance.

Learning Topics:

  • Define what flexible working is
  • Examine the business case for flexible working
  • Dispel some myths surrounding flexible working
  • Recognise agile thinking as an integral component of flexibility


This course is suitable for all employees

This course features:

  • A short 10-minute microlearning experience
  • Gamified interface to stimulate thinking, increase engagement and encourage completion
  • Dynamic interactions
  • A discussion guide to help embed learning in your team
  • Animated video
  • Benchmark data for people to compare their perspectives with others


10 Minutes