Swallowing Difficulties and Choking – Aged Care Quality Standard 3

Swallowing Difficulties and Choking – Aged Care Quality Standard 3

Prevent swallowing difficulties and choking in aged care by learning proper identification and prevention techniques

Aged Care Learning Solutions
Updated Nov 29, 2018

This course covers the following:

Swallowing difficulties:

  • Overview
  • Common causes
  • Signs and symptoms
  • Aspiration pneumonia
  • Prevention and management strategies


  • Overview
  • Common causes
  • Signs and symptoms
  • Prevention and management strategies
  • Emergency procedures

Business Objectives

Aged care services are required to have strategies in place to identify and address the risk for choking. The burden and mortality rates from swallowing difficulties and choking remain high and are largely preventable. Emergency procedures in response to choking are delivered in a step by step process and include recommendations if a person cannot easily be moved. Swallowing Difficulties and Choking aligns to Standard 3 of the Aged Care Quality Standards and is one of the identified high impact, high prevalence risks.


This learning activity is for Aged Care workers