Quality Pain Management - Aged Care Quality Standard 3

Quality Pain Management - Aged Care Quality Standard 3

Ensure quality of life for the elderly by learning about effective management of pain and its most common causes

Aged Care Learning Solutions
Updated Mar 07, 2019

This course covers the following:

  • Common causes of pain
  • Signs and symptoms
  • Barriers to communicating
  • Physical and psychological impact
  • Principles of pain management

Business Objectives

Pain management continues to be under recognised and not effectively managed for older people and more so for those living with dementia. Quality pain management is essential for quality of life. Many people will not be able to communicate their pain verbally and other indicators may need to be observed to monitor a person’s pain management and comfort. This learning activity provides the learner with information about types and causes, person centred pain management and strategies to identify pain in those unable to use words to communicate their pain. Quality pain management aligns to Standard 3 of the Aged Care Quality Standards.


This learning activity is for Aged Care workers