Potentially Aggressive Clients & Behaviours of Concern

Potentially Aggressive Clients & Behaviours of Concern

AMC and eLearning Products
Updated Oct 14, 2019

Course Description

There will be times when you, as a carer, will experience behaviours of concern that have the potential to escalate into aggressive behaviour. Positive behaviour support is an evidence based approach with a primary goal of helping people to increase their quality of life. Often challenging behaviour are messages from clients that something is wrong or missing and they need help yo make it better. In this module we look at how we determine the severity of the behaviour and ways in which we can manage the behaviour using the least restrictive method to the client’s personal freedom. As a carer, your verbal and body language plays an important role in defusing the situation however at times some exit strategies are needed for safety. This course is part of an award winning suite of compliance modules.

Course Summary

In this course the following areas will be covered:

  • Why this behaviour may be exhibited
  • Positive behaviour support
  • Using the least restrictive method to manage the behaviour
  • How to respond verbally and your body language
  • Types of behaviour of concern and useful strategies
  • Triggers and early warning signs
  • Defusing techniques
  • Exit strategies

Business Outcomes

The organisation has a responsibility to help clients increase their quality of life. This means staff need to understand the reasons for the behaviours, the early warning signs and ways to diffuse the situation to ensure the safety of everyone.

Learning Outcomes

  • Understand what behaviour of concern are wand the triggers
  • Using positive behaviours support
  • Using the least restrictive method to a client’s when managing challenging behaviours
  • Early warning signs and methods of diffusing the situation
  • Exit strategies in the event of escalation

This course was part of a suite that won a 2019 Platinum LearnX Live! Award.