Retail Selling Skills - Dealing with Difficult Customers

Retail Selling Skills - Dealing with Difficult Customers

Channel 1 Creative Media
Updated Feb 27, 2019

Course Overview 

Course Overview In a retail environment, it is inevitable that there are going to be times when difficult behaviour will be encountered. In a workplace this can increase stress, lower productivity, damage morale and do great harm to a company's image.

Learning Objectives

This training video provides viewers with some simple and practical suggestions on how to handle difficult behaviour such as: Taking a deep breath,

Ignoring personal insults, Making the behaviour the focus rather than the person and The importance of Writing down information.

Target Audience

The information within this minute video can be applied to any sales situation.

Business Outcomes

There are times at work when we all are subjected to difficult or aggressive behaviour. This video will arm your retail staff with the skills required to deal effectively and efficiently with these situations.


 5 Minutes