Office 2013 - Outlook Beginners - The Contacts List

Office 2013 - Outlook Beginners - The Contacts List

Jenison ELearning
Updated Nov 08, 2018

Learning Objectives

  • Navigate the Contacts List 
  • Edit Contact Details 
  • Use Categories 
  • View the Contacts List 
  • Delete Contact Records
  • Undo Deletion

Course Overview

Navigate the Contacts List using the letter tabs to the right or use the Ctrl Home or Ctrl End Shortcut keys to move to the first and last items in the list respectively.

Edit Contact Details on the card by clicking in the field and typing straight into it, or double clicking the card header and making changes to the contact form.

Use Categories to group your contacts and make them easier to identify. Click the Categorize button in the Tags group and choose a category. You can change category names, colours and create new categories by clicking All Categories on the Categorize list and using the Color Categories box. 

View the Contacts List in a variety of ways using the commands in the Change View group. Sort Contact information by clicking on the column headers.

Delete Contact records by selecting them and clicking the Delete button. To restore an accidentally deleted record use the Undo button immediately.