Office 2013 - Excel Intermediate - Worksheets and Email

Office 2013 - Excel Intermediate - Worksheets and Email

Excel is used all over the world in professional settings, this universal use of the platform means you need to know how to use many aspects of the program to get ahead. With this in mind, this course teaches you to link worksheets and email communications for Office 2013.

Jenison ELearning
Updated Nov 09, 2018

Learning Objectives

  • Email a Worksheet
  • Use To: Cc: and Bcc: 
  • Add a Priority Status 
  • Open an E-mail Message

Course Overview

  • A workbook or worksheet can be sent as an Email message directly from Excel. An entire workbook can be sent as a message attachment whereas a worksheet can be sent as the body of a message.
  • To Email the active workbook or worksheet you use the Send as Attachment command in the Save and Send options in the Backstage area.
  • Copies of the email can be sent as carbon copies or blind carbon copies. Emails can be marked to alert the recipient to their importance.