Office 2010 - Word Beginners - Graphics

Office 2010 - Word Beginners - Graphics

Jenison ELearning
Updated Nov 07, 2018

Learning Objectives

  • Work with the Clip Art Gallery
  • Search for Clip Art Pictures 
  • Insert Clip Art using the Menu 
  • Double click to add Clip Art
  • Using the Clip Art Organiser
  • Enhance Images
  • Size and Move Objects

Course Overview

  • Word enables you to import a wide variety of images to enhance your document. To add Clip Art pictures select Clip Art on the Insert tab.
  • The Favorites category is where most frequently used clips are stored.
  • You can search for clips by using keywords, or displaying clips of a similar artistic style.
  • To add a clip at the current insertion point, select the Insert command, or double click on the image to insert into your document.
  • Add effects to your images using the Preset styles in the Picture Styles group.
  • To re-size a Clip Art object drag its sizing handles. To move a Clip Art object drag it to the desired location.