Office 2010 - Word Beginners - Navigation Tools

Office 2010 - Word Beginners - Navigation Tools

Jenison ELearning
Updated Nov 07, 2018

Learning Objectives

  • Scroll through Documents 
  • Use Browse Object Button 
  • Use Go To 
  • Move using Shortcut Keys

Course Overview

  • You use the Vertical Scroll bar to move up and down your document, and the Horizontal Scroll bar to move left and right.
  • The two black triangular buttons at the bottom of the Vertical Scroll bar move you directly to the next or previous pages.
  • Use the Select Browse Object button to move to different objects in the document.
  • The Go To command lets you quickly move to a specific document location.
  • To move to the end of a document use the Ctrl End keys and Ctrl Home keys to move you to the extreme top.