Office 2010 - Excel Beginners - Page Breaks and Previewing

Office 2010 - Excel Beginners - Page Breaks and Previewing

Jenison ELearning
Updated Nov 07, 2018

Learning Objectives

  • Print Preview worksheets
  • Adjust Margins
  • Apply Page Break Preview 
  • Insert Page Breaks 
  • Remove Page Breaks

Course Overview

  • Print Preview allows you to view how the worksheet appears when printed.
  • To see the page in greater detail you use the Zoom button.
  • You cannot edit the worksheet while in Preview mode.
  • Page Break Preview lets you adjust page breaks by dragging them.
  • Excel automatically scales the information to fit the printed page.
  • To insert manual page breaks use the Break command in the Page Setup group in the Page Layout tab.
  • To delete manual page breaks use the Remove Page Break command.