Office 2010 - Excel Beginners - Creating Workbooks

Office 2010 - Excel Beginners - Creating Workbooks

Jenison ELearning
Updated Nov 07, 2018

Learning Objectives

  • Create a New Workbook 
  • Use Values and Labels
  • Input Dates 
  • Enter Data into a Range 
  • Edit Data 
  • Select Data Ranges
  • Select Workbook Components
  • De-select Cells

Course Overview

  • To open a new blank Excel workbook you use the New button.
  • When you enter data, it appears in both the selected cell and the Formula Bar. 
  • Once you confirm an entry, Excel automatically advances the cell pointer to the next cell within the range.
  • To select a range of cells click on the first cell, then hold down Shift and click on the last cell.
  • To select a range of cells that are not connected press the Ctrl key as you click on them.
  • You can select a column or row by clicking on the column or row headings respectively.