Lying or Truthful?

Lying or Truthful?

Seven Dimensions
Updated Apr 16, 2020

Professor Robert Feldman tells Eve Ash that we can’t necessarily tell from what’s said or done that a person is a liar.

It is very hard to predict who is a liar. Professor Robert Feldman tells Eve Ash there is no particular profile or personality traits, nor can we necessarily tell from non-verbal behaviors if a person is lying. Nervousness can be confused with being deceptive. Besides we don’t always want to assume someone might be lying (truth bias). People sometime devise narratives to fill gaps in their memory. Our lives are actually filled with lies of many kinds.

This program is one of the Insights and Strategies Series, featuring psychologist Eve Ash interviewing a range of experts and business leaders who share their experiences and practical strategies for achieving best practice.

Click here to get the Transcript. 

Business Outcomes

This program is designed to help people learn more about human behavior and why people lie. It also provides an interesting exploration of wrongful convictions, false confessions, misidentification by witnesses and polygraphs.