Overcoming Fears - Cutting Edge Communication Comedy Series

Overcoming Fears - Cutting Edge Communication Comedy Series

Seven Dimensions
Updated Feb 19, 2019

Almost everyone at Cutting Edge admits to having fears. Marcus worries about Sam scrutinizing him. Casey thinks Carols always pouncing on her mistakes. Dion is afraid that he is considered to be too young for his role. Barney states that fear is all in the mind, while Steve counsels remembering that fear stands for false expectations appearing real. Sam recommends deliberately tensing ones body and then releasing fears in one big breath, while Carol asserts that fear can be handled with one of her verbal punches. Dion practices a mindfulness technique with Marcus who he hypnotizes into visualizing Sam as a chicken whenever Sam triggers his fear reflex.

Key Learning Points

Don't let fear keep growing. Take control and change your mind.


  • Don’t hide
    INSTEAD: Face your fears
  • Don’t let fear control you
    INSTEAD: Unlock your mind
  • Don’t be closed
    INSTEAD: Listen and share advice
  • Don’t accept feeling bad
    INSTEAD: Develop coping strategies

Comedy makes learning fun

This course is part of the Cutting Edge Communication Comedy Series, created by Psychologist Eve Ash and comedienne Erin Brown, starring Emmy-award winning Kim Estes. A powerful training series covering topics every workplace needs to address. Short, sharp and funny with simple messages and skills for everyone.

Cutting Edge Communication follows several characters through a landscape of social faux pas, insult and embarrassment. This series will amaze and enter-train, covering important lessons in human interaction, motivation, leadership, service, unprofessional behavior, apologizing, negotiating, stress, difficult people among many other workplace hot button issues.

Everyone will laugh and learn with these short episodes that highlight dos and don'ts. This Australian produced series was filmed on location in Los Angeles.