Informed consent: Legal responsibilities for health professionals

Informed consent: Legal responsibilities for health professionals

This 3 hour interactive course is aimed at nurses and midwives and explores the legal obligation to obtain valid consent, including the general principles that should be applied to any such situation.

Health Staff Ed
Updated Jun 26, 2019

Course Overview

The procedure for obtaining informed consent is carried thousands of times every day in healthcare. All practitioners need to understand their role in this important procedure. This course provides comprehensive tuition for all nurses and midwives on how to obtain informed consent and the considerations for special groups.

This course has been written by healthcare content experts, has been peer reviewed and has been reviewed by a lawyer.

Target Audience

Nurses, midwives and managers

Learning Objectives

This course teaches relevant aspects of law as it relates to patient consent. It includes considerations for special groups and what the role of nurses and midwives is in obtaining valid consent.

Participants will learn about the requirements for valid consent and the consequences of providing inadequate information or obtaining invalid consent.

Business Outcomes

Obtaining informed consent is a procedure carried out thousands of times every day in healthcare. There are significant risks when clinicians fail to understand their role in this important procedure.

This course provides essential and comprehensive learning for all participants and is focussed on incorporating the course content into practice.