Advance Care Directives and Substitute Decision Making

Advance Care Directives and Substitute Decision Making

This 120 minute course is aimed at those caring for people in both acute and non-acute settings and explores the legal concept of substitute decision making.

Health Staff Ed
Updated Jun 26, 2019

Course Overview

In making advance care directives, individuals express their wishes in circumsntces where they would otherwise be unable to communicate with their healthcare providers. In many circumsntwaces the individual has appointed a substitute decision maker - a person they trust to act on thier behalf in decision that effect their health care and living conditions.

This course provides participants, with a thorough understanding of the laws and guidelines related to substitute decision makers and advance care directives. Through case scenarios, participants are able to select their state or territory to understand the specifics of the jusrisdiction they work in.

This course has been written by healthcare content experts, has been peer reviewed and has been reviewed by a lawyer.

Target Audience

Nurses and managers

Learning Objectives

Participants will learn about the principles that underpin advance care directives and substitute decision making and the types of arrangements available to individuals on a state by state basis. They will be taught the responsibilities of substitute decision makers and the legal standing of advance directives and substitute decision making arrangements.

Through case based scenarios, participants will learn about the difference between the various forms of appointments including guardianships and powers of attorney.

Business Outcomes

Providing clarity to clinicians on advanced care directives and substitute decision makers improves communication and helps facilitate the autonomous decision making rights of individuals.

Providing training on the principles and legal framework for these instruments will build confidence for all those working with families and carers.