Create a Profitable Pricing Strategy - The Fundamentals

Create a Profitable Pricing Strategy - The Fundamentals

Ken Burke
Updated Aug 19, 2020

Pricing can determine whether your business succeeds or fails – yet too many entrepreneurs rely on guesswork or back-of-the-napkin calculations to set prices. This learning stream reveals a proven methodology for developing a pricing strategy, as well as ways to increase customer perceptions of value so you can justify higher prices and boost margins. 

The price you set for your product or service broadcasts its value to potential customers. This course provides an overview of the many variables that impact the pricing, pricing models, and using competitive analysis to achieve competitive pricing and healthy margins.

You will learn…

  • The best pricing model to you for your business 
  • The drivers that that can influence your pricing strategy
  • How to create a higher perceived value and charge a higher price for that
  • How pricing and margins work together

This course is part of a larger series on creating a profitable pricing strategy.  To learn more, you can watch the following courses in this series.  

  • Create a Profitable Pricing Strategy- Competition and Margins
  • Create a Profitable Pricing Strategy- Pricing Influencers
  • Create a Profitable Pricing Strategy - Pricing Models