Create a Profitable Pricing Strategy - Pricing Models

Create a Profitable Pricing Strategy - Pricing Models

Ken Burke
Updated Aug 19, 2020

Understanding the right pricing model to use in your business is critical to your success.  In this course, we will guide you through which pricing model is the right fit for your business.  We will dive deep into the advantages and disadvantages of the three primary pricing models used.  These pricing models are:

  • Cost based
  • Market based
  • Value based

And here is a quick secret.  There is no question that value-based pricing is by far the best pricing model you can use however your industry might force you into one of the other two.  We will give you proven strategies that can help you take maximum advantage of value-based pricing. 

Included are examples of products and service from a variety of industries—travel, retail, furniture, and tech. This walk-through also covers margin considerations for ensuring that your pricing model is financially sound. 

You will learn…

  • How to pick the ideal pricing model for your business
  • The advantages and disadvantages of each pricing model
  • How to adjust your products and services to get the highest margins possible
  • How to avoid mistakes that many entrepreneurs make when creating a pricing strategy