Define Your Product and MVP (Minimal Viable Product)

Define Your Product and MVP (Minimal Viable Product)

Ken Burke
Updated Aug 19, 2020

In this exciting course, we are going to dive deep into your product strategy by first defining exactly what your product is. We will ask you a bunch of questions that will guide you to coming up with a clear definition of exactly what your product or service is.  This course will also give you ideas on how to get your customer (or potential customer) involved in the process which is critical to your success.  

While most entrepreneurs just think about their core product or ervice, we will expand your definition to consider what we call, the Whole Product, which includes your entire solution.  

Next, we are going to teach you everything you need to know about creating your MVP.  This is a key strategy that you must use otherwise you could end up taking forever to develop your product, spend way more money than you needed to and develop something your customers don't want.  Please don't let that happen to you.  

Finally, we will teach you how to defend your entire product strategy.  You might ask, why is this even necessary.  Well, if you want to get your product or service idea funded (either internally via your company or via outside investors), you must know how to defend your product or service against incoming competitors. Investors will require this!

You will learn:

  • How to create a solid and robust product definition that will excite both customers and investors
  • How to create not just your core product or service but your Whole Product strategy
  • How to execute the MVP methodology so that you develop a product your customers really need
  • How to defend your product against competitors