Craft an Inspiring Vision and Mission Statement

Craft an Inspiring Vision and Mission Statement

We will walk you step by step through the process of creating an amazing vision and mission for your business

Ken Burke
Updated Aug 18, 2020

Your business was likely born out of an audacious dream; vision and mission statements invite others to share that dream. Tools form this course will empower you to create vision and mission statements that inspire excitement. We provide strategies for articulating the lofty aims of the vision statement, the concrete components of the mission statement, and the philanthropic pledges of the social mission.

You will learn:

  • Why is it important to create a vision and mission statement?
  • What are the differences between the vision and mission statements?
  • How does my entrepreneurial personality help or hinder my company’s visionary goals?
  • What are the elements of a successful vision statement?
  • How detailed should my mission statement be?
  • Where can I include social or charitable goals?
  • How can I validate my vision and mission statement?