Create a Winning Product or Service Strategy

Create a Winning Product or Service Strategy

Ken Burke
Updated Aug 19, 2020

It may seem counter intuitive, but perfection is your enemy when it comes to shaping your product or service strategy. You may want everything to be perfect before you launch, but if you ever hope to start ringing up sales, you need to ruthlessly focus instead on just those elements of your offering that address the core customer need, and build a vision and a plan for development that tests your concept in the marketplace sooner rather than later. 

This course offers guidance on how to shape a product or service vision and create strategies to be very customer focused while doing so.  

You will learn:

  • How to develop a compelling product vision that will guide all your stakeholders 
  • The building blocks that every product strategy must have
  • How to craft your product strategy for investors or your CEO
  • What elements of my product or service need to be nailed down?
  • How is a product or service vision different from my company vision?
  • What is an MVP, and why should I do it