Building Psychological Safety

Building Psychological Safety

Symmetra Learning
Updated Mar 14, 2019

About this course:

Psychological safety is a work climate or team environment where people feel confident that their opinions, diverse ideas and concerns will be heard and validated. It is a critical factor that is proven in research to drive outstanding team performance and creativity by ensuring access to the diversity of ideas, perspectives and experience of all team members.

In this interactive, game based course, you will learn what psychological safety is and how to create an inclusive environment that leverages diversity of thinking.

Learning Topics:

  • What psychological safety is
  • Why it is important for team performance
  • The key behaviours which create psychological safety
  • How you can contribute to creating psychological safety in your team


This course is suitable for all employees

This course features:

  • A short 10-minute microlearning experience
  • Gamified interface to stimulate thinking, increase engagement and encourage completion
  • A discussion guide to help embed learning in your team
  • Dynamic interactions
  • Animated video
  • Benchmark data for people to compare their perspectives with others


10 Minutes