Everyday Inclusion

Everyday Inclusion

Symmetra Learning
Updated Mar 14, 2019

About this course:

A lot is written about inclusion and its benefits for both diverse and non-diverse workplaces, but it can often be spoken about in broad, strategic terms. What are the practical things you can actually do—today, tomorrow and every day—to help foster an inclusion amongst the people you work alongside?

In this interactive, game based course you will learn about a wide range of simple ways to be proactively inclusive and collaborative, and therefore, more effective.

Learning Topics:

  • Your own degree of inclusiveness
  • Five categories of everyday inclusive behaviour
  • A variety of practical ways you can help embed an inclusive culture


This course is suitable for all employees.

It is recommended this course be done in conjunction with "Embedding Inclusion."

This course features:

  • A short 10-minute microlearning experience
  • Gamified interface to stimulate thinking, increase engagement and encourage completion
  • A discussion guide to help embed learning in your team
  • Dynamic interactions
  • Animated video
  • Benchmark data for people to compare their perspectives with others


10 Minutes