Assessment Centre Interviews - Selection Interview Skills Series

Assessment Centre Interviews - Selection Interview Skills Series

Seven Dimensions
Updated Mar 11, 2019

Assessment centres are a powerful way to assess competencies such as problem solving, communication and leadership. Mark leads his panel to assess five applicants. They use two challenge situations to assess key competencies and discuss the performance of each applicant to narrow the field. Key points are provided about the effective use of assessment centres. An alternative long version (34 minutes) enables flexible use of this case study.

Key Learning Points

  • A group of assessors observe candidates across a range of exercises
  • Candidate groups are usually 4-6 people
    • Observes candidate (1-2)
    • Notes words & actions
    • Matches/rates competencies
    • Summarises with examples
  • Simulation exercises must match key competencies of the job
  • Assessment centre success requires consistency
  • Competencies must relate to job analysis
    • 1:1 and positive tone
    • Why successful or not
    • Focus on observed behavior  Discuss development plan

This video is part of the Selection Interview Skills Series. A practical series of programs for anyone involved in interviewing. A wide range of case studies will provide useful examples for evaluation, discussion and exploration of key skills. Ideal for managers, team leaders, consultants and trainers.

Target Audience
Trainers , Executives, Managers