Understanding Evolving Industry Trends In HR

Understanding Evolving Industry Trends In HR

Sarder Learning
Updated Aug 22, 2019

Course Introduction

This course discusses latest HR and learning industry trends. Dan Schawbel, Future Workplace's Research Director, presents insights based on recent surveys conducted within the industry and recommendations based on it. The course touches upon the topic of managing Remote workforce, which is now a reality for almost every major organization today and managing them successfully has become an imperative for these organizations to  save on both cost & time.

Other course topics include: Primary Research; Secondary Research; Role Of Technology ; Employee Engagement In Finance; Changes In; Regulatory Compliance; Best Practices To Manage Remote Workers; Productivity Of Remote Workers; Best Way To Communicate With Remote Workers; Study On The Future Of Recruiting; Approach For Attracting Talent In The Future.

Who Should Attend

  • CHRO
  • CXO
  • HR Directors
  • HR Managers

Course Methodology

This course is based on a session by Dan Schawbel, Partner and Research Director, Future Workplace, from the CLO Insight Summit 2017 by Sarder TV and Future Workplace.

Learning Objectives

  • Understand the research information around the human resource function
  • Understand the current ongoing trends in human resource
  • Understand the approach to managing remote workforce
  • Understand the future trends of talent management

Course Modules

  • Research In HR
  • Current HR Trends
  • Managing Remote Workers
  • Future Talent Management