Leadership Skills To Thrive In Change

Leadership Skills To Thrive In Change

Sarder Learning
Updated Aug 21, 2019

Course Introduction

Most books and lectures about leading change seem to be more of a “flavor of the month”, written by an executive or consultant with an intent of memorializing the latest corporate conquest. Don’t get caught-up what may be less than sound guidance. In this course, Bill shares some of his pragmatic scar tissue gleaned from working in organizations where the mantra “better, faster, cheaper” was as survival cry.

Some of the topics covered in the course include: Importance of Adapting to Change; Environment variables in change management; Key lessons in change management; Leading the change; Leaders as Learners; Leadership skills; Approach for Succeeding; Enhancing talent management capabilities; Audience Questions.

Who Should Attend

  • CHROs
  • CLOs
  • CXOs
  • HR Directors And Senior Managers
  • Senior OD Professionals

Course Methodology

This course is based on a session by Bill Kane, SVP & GM of the Human Resources Group, Sumitomo Corporation of Americas, from the CLO Insight Summit by Sarder TV and Future Workplace 2017.

Learning Objectives

  • Understand the importance of change for organizational development
  • Understand the approaches for driving change management process
  • Understand the leadership approach for success
  • Understand the role of chief learning officer in talent management

Course Modules

  • Dealing With The Changes
  • Importance Of Adapting To Change
  • Environment Variables In Change Management
  • Key Lessons In Change Management
  • Leading The Change
  • Leadership Approach For Success
  • Leaders As Learners
  • Leadership Skills
  • Approach For Succeeding
  • Role Of CLO
  • Enhancing Talent Management Capabilities
  • Questions And Answers: Audience Questions