Transforming Learning & Development leadership in the Digital Age

Transforming Learning & Development leadership in the Digital Age

Sarder Learning
Updated Aug 02, 2019

Course Introduction 

Corporate learning has undergone a major shift in recent years. It has moved from traditional classroom training to customized bite-sized learning based on the immediate need of the learner. Jenny Dearborn, senior vice president and chief learning officer for SAP, and author of Data Driven: How Performance Analytics Delivers Extraordinary Sales Results, makes the case for data analytics to improve learning programs. 

In this course, you will learn about the educational process that must happen within an organization to build a learning organization and culture; the movement from role-based learning to today’s highly customized and prescriptive training; types of learning that can be used to accomplish training goals; and instructor-led vs. other learning models. You will also understand that learning needs are the same across all generations and why it is critical to look at all available data when trying to solve a problem.

Who Should Attend 

  • Learning Professionals
  • Human Resource Professionals
  • Executives
  • Team Leaders
  • Managers

Course Methodology 

This self-paced e-learning course is based on an exclusive interview with Jenny Dearborn, senior vice president and chief learning officer at SAP.

Learning Objectives 

  • Learning vs. training, and building a learning culture in an organization
  • Developing an effective learning plan, moving from role-based to competency based learning plans, and developing a competency model that is relevant to business needs
  • The most effective learning methods in the digital age and does age matter in choice of learning methods
  • Data comes before problem solving, and using data analytics for better L&D results
  • Overcoming learning disabilities

Course Modules 

  • New Learning Models
  • Learning Needs Don't Change
  • Using Data Analytics