Thermal Desalination Technologies

Thermal Desalination Technologies

Updated Jan 21, 2021

 When you finish this lesson, you will be able to discuss the principles on which thermal desalination technologies are based and explain the importance waste heat or steam plays in multiple effect distillation (MED) and multi-stage flash (MSF) systems. You will also be able to discuss the key components of MED and MSF systems, including the function of evaporators, condensers, demisters, and brine heaters. And you will be able to distinguish between multistage flash and multiple effect distillation technologies by comparing the differences between them. • Define distillate and distillation • Discuss how freshwater is created through the process of evaporation and condensation • Describe how an industrial thermal desalination facility can be an economic option for freshwater production by utilizing waste heat and processing source water through multiple stages • Explain the functions of the heat exchanger tube bundles and brine pool in a multiple effect distillation system • Explain the functions of the brine heater, brine pool, and demister in a multi-stage flash distillation system • Describe the flow of water from intake to collection in a multiple effect distillation (MED) system using terminology from this lesson, including: – Evaporator – Effect – Condensation – Vapor – Condenser • Describe the flow of water from intake to collection in a multi-stage flash (MSF) system using terminology from this lesson, including: – Stage – Brine heater – Demister – Condenser