Condenser Operation and Reliability

Condenser Operation and Reliability

Updated Jan 21, 2021

 After finishing this lesson, you will be able to describe methods of troubleshooting condensers and identify symptoms of several problems that can negatively affect condenser reliability. You will also be able to discuss methods of remedying specific condenser problems and optimizing operational performance. • Describe the symptoms of these problems that reduce the effective heat transfer area of an operating condenser: – Air in-leakage – Problems with air removal equipment – High hotwell levels – Improperly vented waterboxes – Blocked or plugged tubes • Describe the symptoms of these problems that reduce the heat transfer coefficient of a condenser: – Scaling – Micro-fouling – Dirt, debris, and sludge – Oxidation and rust • Describe the symptoms of these problems that increase average circulating water temperature of an operating condenser: – Overloading – Insufficient circulating water flow – High circulating water inlet temperature • Given a condenser pump selection curves and condenser operating parameters, determine the optimum number of circulation water pumps to run