Open Heat Exchanger Design and Operation

Open Heat Exchanger Design and Operation

Updated Jan 21, 2021

 After finishing this lesson, you will be able to explain how open heat exchangers use direct contact to heat condensate and remove noncondensable gases from the condensate. In addition, you will be able to describe the three basic types of open heat exchangers and the operational characteristics of each. • Describe the operation of open heat exchangers • Recall the purposes of a deaerator • Identify the location of a deaerator in a typical condensate system • Describe the operational characteristics of each of the following types of deaerators: – Spray-type – Tray-type – Spray-and-tray-type • Recall the purpose of a venting orifice on a deaerator • Describe the function of pegging steam, and explain how it is used during deaerator start-up and shutdown • Explain the relationship between the DA storage tank and the net positive suction head to the boiler feed pumps