The Workday Meditation Pack

The Workday Meditation Pack

The Workday Meditation Pack is designed to get you into the right frame of mind as you engage in your day at work.

Blisspot Wellbeing,Mike Davis
Updated Feb 15, 2021

Mike Davis is a master in guiding you to:

  • Start each day with a positive mindset, feel alert and focused
  • Power productively through the tasks you need to do
  • Relax and unwind, to fully let go and put the day's events into perspective to alleviate overthinking or overwhelm
  • Calm your mind to ensure a good night's sleep to wake up feeling energised and renewed 

The WorkDay Meditation Pack has been designed to listen to in sequence over the course of the day or individually, as you refocus, re-centre, or relax.

The first three meditations are between 4 and 6 minutes, designed to fit into a busy schedule, yet provide maximum impact. The sleep meditation is longer at around 30 minutes to guide you into a deep and refreshing sleep.

Morning Meditation

You may feel it is best to be productive as soon as you wake up. However, it is normal to wake up in a different state of mind every day. This can be due to reasons such as:

  • your quality of sleep
  • your dreams
  • the day ahead
  • the day before 

As a result, it's important to recognise your state of mind, so you can adjust accordingly. Morning Meditation is designed to do just that. You will learn how to recognise your thoughts and feelings so you can effectively shift or enhance your mindset to be where you want it to be.

Focus Before Work

It's easy for an untrained mind to "race" at the thought of work. The thought of all those tasks, deadlines, emails and phone calls can be overwhelming and prevent you from achieving your full potential. Focus Before Work Meditation gives you the ability to set up your mindset to give your day the best start possible. You will learn how to:

  • Quieten your mind
  • Hone your focus
  • Be in the moment 

The best way to tackle a new skill is to apply yourself one step at a time. Focus Before Work Meditation is not about intensifying your concentration—it's about being able to let all other noise and distractions go.

Unwind and Relax After Work

It can be incredibly difficult to switch off after work, depending on what has occurred during the day. The mind can be in a flurry thinking of the day's successes and failures, and even be focussed on what tomorrow will bring. 

Having a healthy life away from work helps to ensure that you are able to function at your best, while at work. A healthy life away from work means being able to give your focus and attention to other parts of your life such as your: 

  • family
  • friends
  • hobbies and interests 

which can support a rich, rounded and fulfilling life. 

Unwind and Relax After Work Meditation is designed to help you let go of your day, so you can give your full attention and experience contentment no matter where you are.


Guided Sleep Meditation

Restful sleep is essential when it comes to living in a state of wellbeing and giving your best in all areas of your life. Low energy resulting from lack of sleep can lead to underperformance.  

Prioritizing a good night's sleep is a massive step towards being a better version of yourself in all aspects of your life, not just your work. 

Guided Sleep Meditation is designed to help you relax your body and quiet your mind, allowing for deep and restorative sleep. You will be guided to let go of what happened today and what may happen tomorrow and relax into a sound, refreshing, and restorative night's sleep.