Stress Less, Focus More Meditations

Stress Less, Focus More Meditations

Stress Less, Focus More Meditations will help you avoid distractions stopping you from achieving your best.

Blisspot Wellbeing,Suzanne Robichaud
Updated Feb 10, 2021

Stress Relief Meditation

Stress Relief meditation will train your mind to release any tension you are holding in your body and instead refocus your thoughts and feelings on peace. 

This practice, will allow you to let go of stressful thoughts or worries and to connect to your inner sense of calm. 

Overtime this practice will become your natural way of being and something that you can do on your own, anytime, anywhere.

Focused and Ready Meditation

Focused and Ready meditation supports you in getting your work completed. Suzanne expertly guides you in how to be fully in the moment, to let go of everything that is not relevant and how to focus on your task or goal at hand. 

With practice, you will build your ability to rise above distractions and feel the success of achieving the things that are important to you.