Selling Strategies that Boost Customer Acquisition - An Overview

Selling Strategies that Boost Customer Acquisition - An Overview

Ken Burke
Updated Aug 19, 2020

These days, entrepreneurs have more ways than ever to sell their products or services, including directly to consumers online. The trick is to identify which selling strategies will yield the right mix of profits and market share. 

While using direct sales methods enables you to pocket more of the margin and establish direct connections with your customers, indirect sales methods can spread your products far and wide quickly and help your brand gain a foothold fast. 

We also cover how to more effectively sell in this multichannel world we live in.  You must sell where your customer expects to find you, otherwise they will go somewhere else.

You will learn:

  • How can I determine the best sales channel for my business?
  • Which are better, direct or indirect sales?
  • How does my company’ eventual scale affect which selling strategies to use?
  • Why do investors care which selling strategies I use?