Scrutiny of Your People

Scrutiny of Your People

Seven Dimensions
Updated Dec 30, 2019

People are not always who they appear to be. Ensure stringent vetting and hiring processes. Ensure double-checking and audits. 

Course Overview 

Sometimes that amazing hire turns out to be a fraud or has been abusing trust and company funds. Colin McLaren, former homicide task force leader, tells Eve Ash that companies must put in the necessary time screening candidates, checking their credentials and verifying their referees. This reduces the potential for scammers. It is also vital that companies have an internal audit system that double-checks sign-offs, invoices and financial transactions. Expert “fleecers” come in a range of guises. 

Key Learning Points 

Companies sometimes mistakenly hire the wrong people (who turn out to be frauds): 

  • Do your research – dig deep 
  • Do police checks 
  • Speak to the person’s referees 
  • Check the referee’s credentials – spend a day vetting if need be 
  • Install a system of internal audit for double-checking sign-offs, permissions (etc) 

Interviewer: Eve Ash 

Interviewee: Colin McLaren