Report & Reduce #MeToo Behaviors

Report & Reduce #MeToo Behaviors

Seven Dimensions
Updated Dec 30, 2019

No-one has to put up with #MeToo abuses. Colin McLaren and Eve Ash discuss how to report and reduce these behaviors. 

Course Overview 

#MeToo abuses are still occurring every day. Retired police detective Colin McLaren and Eve Ash discuss the importance of having strong safety policies as well as reducing vulnerability through refusing and reporting unwanted advances. It is okay and wise to say no to working alone with someone out of regular hours or in a remote location. 

Key Learning Points 

Grabbing someone or any sort of #MeToo abuse is wrong. Reduce vulnerability by: 

  • Implementing strong workplace policies 
  • Refusing and reporting unwanted advances 
  • Saying you’re not available 

Interviewer: Eve Ash 

Interviewee: Colin McLaren