Pressure injuries: Pressure injury classification and treatment (4/4)

Pressure injuries: Pressure injury classification and treatment (4/4)

Health Staff Ed
Updated Apr 20, 2021

Course Overview:

Pressure injury is a largely preventable medical condition, as previously discussed in Module Part 1 -about pressure injury risk assessment and prevention.  

However, it is still a commonly occurring problem around the world, with a prevalence of up to 72.5% across a variety of healthcare settings and geographic locations and higher incident rates in special populations such as patients in critical care, those undergoing palliative care, individuals with spinal cord injuries, and neonates and children.

For individuals, pressure injuries can represent significant amounts of illness, a major impact on quality of life, and even mortality, while also imposing considerable financial burden on healthcare systems by, for example, extending hospital stays with correspondingly increased costs of treatment. 

The third edition of thePrevention and Treatment of Pressure Injuries: Clinical practice guideline. The International Guideline, was released by the European Pressure Ulcer Advisory Panel, National Pressure Injury Advisory Panel and Pan Pacific Pressure Injury Alliance in 2019. 

Along with the evidence-based recommendations discussed in Module 1 about completing a comprehensive pressure injury risk assessment for individuals at risk and providing an effective pressure injury prevention plan, the guideline includes recommendations about the classification and treatment of established pressure injuries. 

This resource is intended for use in Australia and worldwide by nurses, midwives, and all other health professionals, regardless of clinical discipline or clinical setting. 

This module is Part 2 of two modules about pressure injuries which, with a nursing/midwifery focus, will discuss the evidence-based interventions for the classification and treatment of pressure injuries, that are recommended in the latest international guideline.

Target Audience

All healthcare practitioners

Business Outcomes

The course is directly related to the Australian National Safety and Quality Health Service (NSQHS) Standards as part of Standard Five: Comprehensive Care. 

It directly relates to the Aged Care Quality Standards, Standard Three, Personal Care and Clinical Care. 

Specifically the Australian Commission on Quality and Safety in Health Care has stated that:

Health service organisations implementing the National Safety and Quality Health Service (NSQHS) Standards are required to establish systems and processes for pressure injury prevention and wound management that are consistent with best-practice guidelines.