Pitching Your Business - Job Interview Success Series

Pitching Your Business - Job Interview Success Series

Seven Dimensions
Updated Mar 08, 2019

Learn 20 practical tips when pitching your business - with no brochures, AV or previous referral - to someone who does not need or want what you are offering. Whilst this interview is face to face it could also be done by phone. Find out how to turn objections into opportunities.

Key Learning Points

The 20 tips for pitching a business: 

  1.  Thank & acknowledge client is busy
  2.  Be brief & state goal
  3.  Build your image
  4.  Compliment their products & services
  5.  Identify objections
  6.  Handle objections positively  
  7.  Build need
  8.  Offer benefits
  9.  Restate goal
  10.  Use numbers for clear overview
  11.  Use examples
  12.  Maintain their interest
  13.  Restate benefits
  14.  Be decisive and enthusiasticUse objections as opportunity to promote strengths
  15.  Offer specific situation to start
  16.  Promote your quality
  17.  Describe unique & innovative aspects
  18.  Make financials attractive
  19.  When hooked make next appointment

This video is part of the Job Interview Success Series. A dynamic series uses a variety of case studies and examples, with excellent advice and practical information to help ensure success at a wide range of interviews. A must for everyone wanting to succeed at job interviews, especially young people and those who lack confidence.

Target Audience
Managers, Community, All staff, Sales Staff, Executives